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Gene 5 Doll Pak

Gene 5 Doll Pak

Gene 5 Doll Pak

This Gene Doll Package includes 5 dolls:

Creme de Cassis Gene Doll  

White Hyacinth Gene Doll

Pin Up Gene Doll

Red Venus Gene Doll

Monaco Bride Gene Doll

We have removed all the dolls from their boxes and thrown out all the cardboard and paper because there was a strong musty smell. The dolls look awesome but they do need to be aired as there is still a bit of a musty smell. We suggest buying deodorizers (available at the Dollar Store) and storing them in a bin for a while to freshen up.
Includes doll stands.

  • USD Price: $50.00
  • CND Price: $50.00
  • Sorry, product currently not available

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